A category is trivial if it is equivalent to the trivial category (with just one object and just one morphism). Equivalently, there is an initial object such that for every object the unique morphism is an isomorphism. Notice that we do not demand that the category is isomorphic to the trivial category. As a consequence, every inhabited indiscrete category is trivial in our sense.
Relevant implications
essentially discrete and connected implies trivial
trivialtrivial implies finitary algebraic and Grothendieck topos and split abelian and self-dual and essentially discrete and essentially finite
trivialpointed and cartesian closed implies trivial
We have for every object .disjoint finite coproducts and thin implies trivial
For every object the two inclusions must be equal, so their equalizer is , but also since the coproduct is disjoint. Hence .strict initial object and pointed implies trivial
If is the zero object, then for every object the unique morphism is an isomorphism by assumption.Grothendieck abelian and self-dual implies trivial
This follows since the dual of a non-trivial Grothendieck abelian category cannot be Grothendieck abelian. See Peter Freyd, Abelian categories, p. 116.additive and pullbacks and subobject classifier implies trivial
see MSE/4086192groupoid and binary products and inhabited implies trivial
Let be an inhabited groupoid with binary products. Then it is connected, so we may assume for a group with unique object . But then , so there are such that , is bijective. From here it is an easy exercise to deduce .groupoid and initial object implies trivial
easystrict terminal object and pointed implies trivial
[dualized] If is the zero object, then for every object the unique morphism is an isomorphism by assumption.groupoid and binary coproducts and inhabited implies trivial
[dualized] Let be an inhabited groupoid with binary products. Then it is connected, so we may assume for a group with unique object . But then , so there are such that , is bijective. From here it is an easy exercise to deduce .groupoid and terminal object implies trivial
[dualized] easy
- category of abelian groups
- category of Banach spaces with linear contractions
- category of combinatorial species
- category of commutative rings
- category of fields
- category of finite abelian groups
- category of finite orders
- category of finite sets
- category of finite sets and bijections
- category of finite sets and injections
- category of finite sets and surjections
- category of finitely generated abelian groups
- category of free abelian groups
- category of groups
- category of left R-modules
- category of locally ringed spaces
- category of M-sets
- category of measurable spaces
- category of metric spaces with ∞ allowed
- category of metric spaces with continuous maps
- category of metric spaces with non-expansive maps
- category of monoids
- category of non-empty sets
- category of pointed sets
- category of posets
- category of rings
- category of rngs
- category of schemes
- category of sets
- category of sets and relations
- category of simplicial sets
- category of small categories
- category of smooth manifolds
- category of topological spaces
- category of vector spaces
- category of Z-functors
- delooping of a non-trivial finite group
- delooping of an infinite group
- delooping of the additive monoid of natural numbers
- delooping of the additive monoid of ordinal numbers
- discrete category on two objects
- empty category
- partial order [0,1]
- partial order of extended natural numbers
- partial order of natural numbers
- partial order of ordinal numbers
- preorder of integers w.r.t. divisiblity
- walking morphism
- walking parallel pair of morphisms
For these categories the database has no info if they satisfy this property or not.