
trivial category

  • notation: 1\mathbf{1}
  • objects: a single object
  • morphisms: only the identity morphism
  • nLab Link
  • Related categories: 2\mathbf{2}

This is the simplest category, consisting of a single object and only the identity morphism. It is the terminal object in the category of small categories.


Properties from the database

Deduced properties

  • is small
    Since it is finite, we deduce that it is small.
  • is essentially finite
    Since it is finite, we deduce that it is essentially finite.
  • is essentially small
    Since it is essentially finite, we deduce that it is essentially small.
  • is essentially discrete
    Since it is discrete, we deduce that it is essentially discrete.
  • is locally small
    Since it is discrete, we deduce that it is locally small.
  • is skeletal
    Since it is discrete, we deduce that it is skeletal.
  • is thin
    Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it is thin.
  • is a groupoid
    Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it is a groupoid.
  • is locally essentially small
    Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it is locally essentially small.
  • has connected limits
    Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it has connected limits.
  • is finitary algebraic
    Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is finitary algebraic.
  • is a Grothendieck topos
    Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is a Grothendieck topos.
  • is split abelian
    Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is split abelian.
  • is self-dual
    Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is self-dual.
  • has equalizers
    Since it is thin, we deduce that it has equalizers.
  • is left cancellative
    Since it is thin, we deduce that it is left cancellative.
  • has wide pullbacks
    Since it has connected limits, we deduce that it has wide pullbacks.
  • has pullbacks
    Since it has wide pullbacks, we deduce that it has pullbacks.
  • has filtered limits
    Since it has wide pullbacks, we deduce that it has filtered limits.
  • is Cauchy complete
    Since it has equalizers, we deduce that it is Cauchy complete.
  • has sequential limits
    Since it has filtered limits, we deduce that it has sequential limits.
  • is locally finitely presentable
    Since it is finitary algebraic, we deduce that it is locally finitely presentable.
  • is an elementary topos
    Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it is an elementary topos.
  • has coproducts
    Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has coproducts.
  • has a generator
    Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has a generator.
  • is locally presentable
    Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it is locally presentable.
  • has a cogenerator
    Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has a cogenerator.
  • is abelian
    Since it is split abelian, we deduce that it is abelian.
  • is Malcev
    Since it is abelian, we deduce that it is Malcev.
  • is mono-regular
    Since it is a groupoid, we deduce that it is mono-regular.
  • is well-powered
    Since it is a groupoid, we deduce that it is well-powered.
  • is inhabited
    Since it has a generator, we deduce that it is inhabited.
  • is balanced
    Since it is mono-regular, we deduce that it is balanced.
  • is finitely complete
    Since it is Malcev, we deduce that it is finitely complete.
  • has connected colimits
    Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it has connected colimits.
  • has coequalizers
    Since it is thin, we deduce that it has coequalizers.
  • is right cancellative
    Since it is thin, we deduce that it is right cancellative.
  • is cocomplete
    Since it has coproducts and has coequalizers, we deduce that it is cocomplete.
  • has finite coproducts
    Since it has coproducts, we deduce that it has finite coproducts.
  • has countable coproducts
    Since it has coproducts, we deduce that it has countable coproducts.
  • has an initial object
    Since it has finite coproducts, we deduce that it has an initial object.
  • has binary coproducts
    Since it has finite coproducts, we deduce that it has binary coproducts.
  • has pushouts
    Since it has binary coproducts and has coequalizers, we deduce that it has pushouts.
  • is connected
    Since it has an initial object, we deduce that it is connected.
  • has wide pushouts
    Since it has connected colimits, we deduce that it has wide pushouts.
  • has filtered colimits
    Since it has wide pushouts, we deduce that it has filtered colimits.
  • has sequential colimits
    Since it has coequalizers and has countable coproducts, we deduce that it has sequential colimits.
  • is complete
    Since it is essentially small and is thin and is cocomplete, we deduce that it is complete.
  • is epi-regular
    Since it is a groupoid, we deduce that it is epi-regular.
  • is well-copowered
    Since it is a groupoid, we deduce that it is well-copowered.
  • is finitely cocomplete
    Since it is self-dual and is finitely complete, we deduce that it is finitely cocomplete.
  • has a terminal object
    Since it is self-dual and has an initial object, we deduce that it has a terminal object.
  • has products
    Since it is self-dual and has coproducts, we deduce that it has products.
  • has finite products
    Since it is self-dual and has finite coproducts, we deduce that it has finite products.
  • has binary products
    Since it is self-dual and has binary coproducts, we deduce that it has binary products.
  • has countable products
    Since it is self-dual and has countable coproducts, we deduce that it has countable products.
  • has a strict initial object
    Since it is left cancellative and has an initial object, we deduce that it has a strict initial object.
  • has exact filtered colimits
    Since it is locally finitely presentable, we deduce that it has exact filtered colimits.
  • is locally ℵ₁-presentable
    Since it is locally finitely presentable, we deduce that it is locally ℵ₁-presentable.
  • is cartesian closed
    Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it is cartesian closed.
  • has a subobject classifier
    Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it has a subobject classifier.
  • has disjoint finite coproducts
    Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it has disjoint finite coproducts.
  • is additive
    Since it is abelian, we deduce that it is additive.
  • is Grothendieck abelian
    Since it is abelian and has coproducts and has a generator and has exact filtered colimits, we deduce that it is Grothendieck abelian.
  • has a strict terminal object
    Since it is right cancellative and has a terminal object, we deduce that it has a strict terminal object.
  • is preadditive
    Since it is additive, we deduce that it is preadditive.
  • has disjoint coproducts
    Since it has coproducts and has disjoint finite coproducts, we deduce that it has disjoint coproducts.
  • is distributive
    Since it is cartesian closed and has finite coproducts, we deduce that it is distributive.
  • is infinitary distributive
    Since it is cartesian closed and has coproducts, we deduce that it is infinitary distributive.
  • has zero morphisms
    Since it is preadditive, we deduce that it has zero morphisms.
  • is pointed
    Since it has zero morphisms and has a terminal object, we deduce that it is pointed.


Non-Properties from the database

Deduced Non-Properties*

*This also uses the deduced properties.

Unknown properties

Special morphisms

  • Isomorphisms: every morphism
  • Monomorphisms: every morphism
  • Epimorphisms: every morphism
    it is discrete