
Cauchy complete

A category is Cauchy complete if every idempotent splits. That is, every idempotent endomorphism e:XXe : X \to X (that is, e2=ee^2 = e) may be written as e=ipe = i \circ p for some morphisms p:XYp : X \to Y and i:YXi : Y \to X with pi=idYp \circ i = \mathrm{id}_Y. Equivalently, the pair e,idX:XXe,\mathrm{id}_X : X \rightrightarrows X has an equalizer (or coequalizer).

Relevant implications

  • equalizers implies   Cauchy complete
    If e:XXe : X \to X is an idempotent, then the equalizer of e,idX:XXe, \mathrm{id}_X : X \rightrightarrows X provides a splitting of ee.
  • left cancellative implies   Cauchy complete
    Any idempotent monomorphism must be the identity and therefore splits.
  • coequalizers implies   Cauchy complete
    [dualized] If e:XXe : X \to X is an idempotent, then the equalizer of e,idX:XXe, \mathrm{id}_X : X \rightrightarrows X provides a splitting of ee.
  • right cancellative implies   Cauchy complete
    [dualized] Any idempotent monomorphism must be the identity and therefore splits.




For these categories the database has no info if they satisfy this property or not.