category of sets
- notation:
- objects: sets
- morphisms: maps
- nLab Link
- Related categories: ,
The category of sets plays a fundamental role in category theory. Due to the Yoneda embedding, many results about general categories can be reduced to the category of sets. It is also usually the first example of a category that one encounters.
Properties from the database
is locally small
The collection of maps between two sets is a subset of and therefore a a Grothendieck topos
It is equivalent to the category of sheaves on a one-point finitary algebraic
Use the empty algebraic theory.
Deduced properties
is locally essentially small
Since it is locally small, we deduce that it is locally essentially locally finitely presentable
Since it is finitary algebraic, we deduce that it is locally finitely an elementary topos
Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it is an elementary topos.has coproducts
Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has coproducts.has a generator
Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has a locally presentable
Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it is locally presentable.has a cogenerator
Since it is a Grothendieck topos, we deduce that it has a inhabited
Since it has a generator, we deduce that it is inhabited.has finite coproducts
Since it has coproducts, we deduce that it has finite coproducts.has countable coproducts
Since it has coproducts, we deduce that it has countable coproducts.has an initial object
Since it has finite coproducts, we deduce that it has an initial object.has binary coproducts
Since it has finite coproducts, we deduce that it has binary connected
Since it has an initial object, we deduce that it is well-powered
Since it is locally presentable, we deduce that it is well-copowered
Since it is locally presentable, we deduce that it is complete
Since it is locally presentable, we deduce that it is cocomplete
Since it is locally presentable, we deduce that it is cocomplete.has exact filtered colimits
Since it is locally finitely presentable, we deduce that it has exact filtered locally ℵ₁-presentable
Since it is locally finitely presentable, we deduce that it is locally ℵ₁ cartesian closed
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it is cartesian finitely complete
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it is finitely complete.has a subobject classifier
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it has a subobject finitely cocomplete
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it is finitely cocomplete.has disjoint finite coproducts
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it has disjoint finite epi-regular
Since it is an elementary topos, we deduce that it is epi-regular.has finite products
Since it is cartesian closed, we deduce that it has finite products.has a strict initial object
Since it is cartesian closed and has an initial object, we deduce that it has a strict initial mono-regular
Since it has a subobject classifier, we deduce that it is balanced
Since it is mono-regular, we deduce that it is balanced.has filtered colimits
Since it is cocomplete, we deduce that it has filtered colimits.has wide pushouts
Since it is cocomplete, we deduce that it has wide pushouts.has connected colimits
Since it is cocomplete, we deduce that it has connected colimits.has coequalizers
Since it is cocomplete, we deduce that it has coequalizers.has pushouts
Since it has binary coproducts and has coequalizers, we deduce that it has Cauchy complete
Since it has coequalizers, we deduce that it is Cauchy complete.has sequential colimits
Since it has coequalizers and has countable coproducts, we deduce that it has sequential colimits.has filtered limits
Since it is complete, we deduce that it has filtered limits.has wide pullbacks
Since it is complete, we deduce that it has wide pullbacks.has connected limits
Since it is complete, we deduce that it has connected limits.has products
Since it is complete, we deduce that it has products.has equalizers
Since it is complete, we deduce that it has equalizers.has countable products
Since it has products, we deduce that it has countable products.has a terminal object
Since it has finite products, we deduce that it has a terminal object.has binary products
Since it has finite products, we deduce that it has binary products.has pullbacks
Since it has binary products and has equalizers, we deduce that it has pullbacks.has disjoint coproducts
Since it has coproducts and has disjoint finite coproducts, we deduce that it has disjoint coproducts.has sequential limits
Since it has equalizers and has countable products, we deduce that it has sequential distributive
Since it is cartesian closed and has finite coproducts, we deduce that it is infinitary distributive
Since it is cartesian closed and has coproducts, we deduce that it is infinitary distributive.
Non-Properties from the database
- does not have a strict terminal object
is not skeletal
trivialis not Malcev
There are lots of non-symmetric reflexive relations.
Deduced Non-Properties*
is not small
Assume for a contradiction that it is small. Since it is small, we deduce that it is essentially small. Since it is essentially small and has products, we deduce that it is thin. Since it is thin and is finitely complete, we deduce that it is Malcev. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not Malcev.does not have zero morphisms
Assume for a contradiction that it has zero morphisms. Since it has zero morphisms and has an initial object, we deduce that it is pointed. Since it is pointed and is cartesian closed, we deduce that it is trivial. Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is split abelian. Since it is split abelian, we deduce that it is abelian. Since it is abelian, we deduce that it is Malcev. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not preadditive
Assume for a contradiction that it is preadditive. Since it is preadditive, we deduce that it has zero morphisms. This is a contradiction since we already know that it does not have zero not additive
Assume for a contradiction that it is additive. Since it is additive, we deduce that it is preadditive. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not abelian
Assume for a contradiction that it is abelian. Since it is abelian, we deduce that it is additive. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not pointed
Assume for a contradiction that it is pointed. Since it is pointed, we deduce that it has zero morphisms. This is a contradiction since we already know that it does not have zero not self-dual
Assume for a contradiction that it is self-dual. Since it is locally presentable and is self-dual, we deduce that it is thin. Since it is thin and is finitely complete, we deduce that it is Malcev. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not a groupoid
Assume for a contradiction that it is a groupoid. Since it is a groupoid, we deduce that it is self-dual. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not essentially small
Assume for a contradiction that it is essentially small. Since it is essentially small and has products, we deduce that it is thin. Since it is thin and is finitely complete, we deduce that it is Malcev. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not thin
Assume for a contradiction that it is thin. Since it is thin and is finitely complete, we deduce that it is Malcev. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not discrete
Assume for a contradiction that it is discrete. Since it is discrete, we deduce that it is skeletal. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not essentially discrete
Assume for a contradiction that it is essentially discrete. Since it is essentially discrete, we deduce that it is thin. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not finite
Assume for a contradiction that it is finite. Since it is finite, we deduce that it is small. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not essentially finite
Assume for a contradiction that it is essentially finite. Since it is essentially finite and has finite products, we deduce that it is thin. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not trivial
Assume for a contradiction that it is trivial. Since it is trivial, we deduce that it is self-dual. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not Grothendieck abelian
Assume for a contradiction that it is Grothendieck abelian. Since it is Grothendieck abelian, we deduce that it is abelian. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not left cancellative
Assume for a contradiction that it is left cancellative. Since it is left cancellative and has coequalizers, we deduce that it is thin. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not right cancellative
Assume for a contradiction that it is right cancellative. Since it is right cancellative and has equalizers, we deduce that it is thin. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not not split abelian
Assume for a contradiction that it is split abelian. Since it is split abelian, we deduce that it is abelian. This is a contradiction since we already know that it is not abelian.
*This also uses the deduced properties.
Unknown properties
Special morphisms
Isomorphisms: bijective maps
easy- Monomorphisms: injective maps
Epimorphisms: surjective maps
For the non-trivial direction, if is an epimorphism of sets, then in particular is injective, which identifies with . Then for all we have , so that has a preimage.