split abelian
A category is split abelian if it is abelian and every short exact sequence splits. Equivalently, every object is projective. Equivalently, every object is injective.
- Dual property: split abelian (self-dual)
- Related properties: abelian
- nLab Link
Relevant implications
trivial implies finitary algebraic and Grothendieck topos and split abelian and self-dual and essentially discrete and essentially finite
trivialsplit abelian implies abelian
by definition
- category of abelian groups
- category of Banach spaces with linear contractions
- category of combinatorial species
- category of commutative rings
- category of fields
- category of finite abelian groups
- category of finite orders
- category of finite sets
- category of finite sets and bijections
- category of finite sets and injections
- category of finite sets and surjections
- category of finitely generated abelian groups
- category of free abelian groups
- category of groups
- category of left R-modules
- category of locally ringed spaces
- category of M-sets
- category of measurable spaces
- category of metric spaces with ∞ allowed
- category of metric spaces with continuous maps
- category of metric spaces with non-expansive maps
- category of monoids
- category of non-empty sets
- category of pointed sets
- category of posets
- category of rings
- category of rngs
- category of schemes
- category of sets
- category of sets and relations
- category of simplicial sets
- category of small categories
- category of smooth manifolds
- category of topological spaces
- category of Z-functors
- delooping of a non-trivial finite group
- delooping of an infinite group
- delooping of the additive monoid of natural numbers
- delooping of the additive monoid of ordinal numbers
- discrete category on two objects
- empty category
- partial order [0,1]
- partial order of extended natural numbers
- partial order of natural numbers
- partial order of ordinal numbers
- preorder of integers w.r.t. divisiblity
- walking morphism
- walking parallel pair of morphisms
For these categories the database has no info if they satisfy this property or not.